Focals Smart-Glasses Retail Demo A demo experience on Focals smart-glasses to showcase features of the product to potential customers. Case Study: Mobile engineering. Ixd
OnTrack A mobile application design that helps you keep track of important annual events such as anniversaries and birthdays. Case Study: Ux. Ixd
Cadence Your body is the controller! Cadence is a rhythm game in which players tap along to the beats of a song on their thighs, and where certain beats are captured by high five-ing their teammate. Case Study: Ux. Ixd. Prototyping
MagicWand A handheld device with a fully cylindrical user interface that has a wide range of possible applications, including the use of as a game controller. Case Study: Ux. Ixd. Prototyping
Prototyping The Future of Smart Glasses Focals are custom-built glasses with a display only you can see. My work at North Inc. includes prototypes and early concepts for Focals smart glasses. Amazon Alexa integration, Speech to Text, and Screenshot Share are examples of some of my work that are now productized. Project: Smart-glasses. Mobile. Ux. Prototyping
Interactive Plush toys A set of farm animals from the magical farm land far far away, made of fabric (plush toys). They come bundled with an interactive educational tablet application.Children can place toys on the tablet screen and the application presents a variety of creative activities based on the type of toy. Project: Objective-c. Ios. Cocos2d
WhammyPhone WhammyPhone is a completely new way of interacting with sound using a smartphone. It allows users to bend the display in order to create sound effects on a virtual instrument, such as a guitar or violin. Research conducted at the Human Media Lab, Queen's University. Project: Music interface. Android. Arduino. Hardware prototyping
STEAMBlocks Modular Platform of Programmable Electronic Blocks that encourages children in public school and high-school to experiment with smart structures using an easy to learn, graphical interface. Project: Objective-c. Ios. Cocos2d. Bluetooth low energy. Arduino
TinyTaps - Weekend Game Challenge A simple game I built in a few hours over a weekend. Why you may ask? Why not? :) I made all the assets in Adobe Illustrator, except for those cute little characters from Sago Mini on the see-saw. Adobe After Effects came to the rescue for animations. Project: Unity. Adobe illustrator. Adobe after effects
Leamo An Interactive Educational Gaming Platform for young children. Leamo helps children develop language, innovative thinking, interactive intelligence, creative thinking skills, psychomotor skills, and reactive skills. Leamo runs on your smartphone or tablet and easily connects to your television or a computer screen. Project: Ios. Cocos2d. Openframeworks. Opencv. Qualcomm. Vuforia sdk